5.4: Creating a Logic Model

Over the next few pages, we will work through the process of creating a logic model for different purposes and in different ways. Because there is no one, or “correct” way, to create a logic model, we offer a variety of ideas that you can adapt to your own work. You may be creating a logic model for a small focused program, a comprehensive initiative, a process such as a team or community group working together, an organization, or a single event or product.

The ideas on the following pages are organized according to whether you are designing a NEW initiative or whether you are working with an EXISTING program or initiative, and whether you are engaging in logic modeling for the purpose of planning, evaluation, communications or program management. You may want to go back to Section 1.2 to review these purposes.

We will cover creating logic models for:

  1. A NEW program or initiative where your purpose is planning
    1. Starting at the End
    2. Starting with Existing Resources
  2. An EXISTING program that you want to evaluate, communicate about, or manage.

Print a copy of the Logic Model Worksheet as a guide for developing your own logic model.

*Note: The link above opens in a new tab. Return to this tab to continue the course from this point. If you leave this page, make a note of your current location (Section 5.4), or create a bookmark, so you can return here when you are ready!

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