5.3: Involving others

Developing a logic model is a GROUP PROCESS.

Experience shows that best results are achieved when groups of staff and relevant stakeholders work together in developing the logic model. Why do you think this might be true? Select the card to see some possible answers.

Who should you include?

Think about your program. Who needs to be part of building the logic model? Select the card to see some possible answers.

Facilitating the Process

Creating a logic model makes explicit the implicit ideas group members hold about their work and their programs. Depending upon the group and level of trust and shared understanding, the process may be relatively straightforward. For other groups, developing a shared vision and plan of action may take more time and be fairly tortuous. We have found that “drawing” the logic model, either individually or as a group, is fun and useful. Drawing a logic model can be part of a full strategic planning or visioning process.

Group members draw their program, collaborative, or vision (whatever is the focus and being depicted) on newsprint, using any metaphor, design, or thought process desired. This can be done as a group. Or, each individual or small subgroups may draw their own image. Each then shares the picture or scenario with the larger group. Similarities and differences, as well as strengths and weaknesses, among the models are noted and discussed. The final product is one that the group agrees to and shows a chain of events that leads to final outcomes.

Use a worksheet of the logic model chart with space for writing. The worksheet can be filled out individually or created as a group. You might start by visioning and gaining consensus on the long-term outcomes. Then, you may work backwards across the chart or fill in any of the boxes and columns that make sense (see following sections). Use arrows and connecting lines to depict flows and assumed linkages.

You may wish to engage an outside facilitator or evaluation consultant to help craft your logic model. The consultant would review all existing materials, proposals, make observations and gather input from the group members and other key stakeholders. The consultant might facilitate a process so that the group together develops the logic model. Or, the consultant might produce a logic model, based on the input gathered, and then ask the group to react and discuss.

  • Use computer, electronic white-boards, flannel chart, newsprint/butcher paper, and post-its/cards that can be written on, sorted, and lined up.
  • Several work sessions may be necessary, spaced over time.
  • Use a summary chart or matrix to bring information together.
  • Techniques common to “Tree Diagramming” and “Fish Bones” may be useful (Tague, 1995).

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