5.2: Getting started

Step 1: Determine the purpose of the Logic Model

  • Why are you doing a logic model?
  • Who will use it and for what?
  • Is your purpose: planning, evaluation, communications, program management? (See Section 1.2: “Logic Modeling is a way of thinking.”)
  • Are you trying to fulfill an administrative requirement, show your fund provider(s) what you are doing, put in a grant proposal, determine a work plan, or evaluate your program?

Step 2: Involve others

  • Who should participate?
  • Who should facilitate?

Step 3: Set the boundaries for the Logic Model

  • What will the logic model depict: a single, focused endeavor; a comprehensive initiative; a group process; or organizational endeavor?
  • What level of detail is needed?
  • Who will use the logic model? How will they use it?

Step 4: Understand the situation

  • Start with a comprehensive understanding of the situation – the problem analysis. (See Section 1.8: “Components of Logic Models – Situation.”)
  • Make the situation statement your anchor – the logic model grows out of the situation. Situations change so update as appropriate.
  • Set priorities.

Step 5: Explore the research, knowledge base, and what others have done/are doing

  • Write down findings that are central to the problem you are addressing.

*Note: The links above open in a new tab. Return to this tab to continue the course from this point. If you leave this page, make a note of your current location (Section 5.2), or create a bookmark, so you can return here when you are ready!

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