Home » Enhancing Program Performance with Logic Models » Section 6: How Good is My Logic Model? » 6.1: Standards of quality
6.1: Standards of quality
As you look at your logic model, we recommend four criteria to assess its quality and usefulness. Select each of the quadrants in the diagram to learn about the four standards of quality.
We will look at each of these criteria in turn.
Additional Resources
To find out more about checking your logic models, explore some of the resources pertaining to this section.
- Anderson, A. (2000). Using theory of change in program planning and evaluation. Aspen, CO: Aspen Institute. PowerPoint presentation at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Honolulu, HI.
- Freddolino, P., et al. (1998). It’s a great idea but…: Barriers to the use of program logic models in the real world of program activities. Okemos, MI: Michigan Public Health Institute.
- Funnell, S. (2000). Developing and using a program theory matrix for program evaluation and performance monitoring. In P. Rogers, T. Hacsi, A. Petrosino, & T. Huebner (Eds.), Program Theory in Evaluation: Challenges and Opportunities, New Directions for Evaluation, 87, 91-101. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
- United Way of America. (1996). Measuring program outcomes: A practical approach. Arlington, VA: United Way of America.