5.6: Creating a Logic Model for a NEW PROGRAM

Purpose: Planning

Starting with Existing Resources

Once again, you should have completed your situational analysis and priority setting (the activities on the left that initiate logic model development), before you start looking at your resources

A blank logic model diagram with the Inputs step highlighted.

Sometimes we start with the resources we have and our knowledge base or an existing program that is ready to go (what we call an “on-the-shelf” program). This has been the more standard approach to planning. In this case, we start on the left side of the logic model with Inputs – the resources we have, or with Activities – the program that we have. Then we move to the right along the logic model using “if-then” statements. For example, If I use this curriculum on financial literacy for Native Americans, then I can target an underserved group in my county; If I target this population and advertise appropriately, then they will attend; If they attend, then they will…

A simple logic model is labeled: If resources, then activities; if activities, then participants; if participants, then outcomes; if outcomes, then outcomes; if outcomes, then impact.

You can also use the question “But, why?” For example: But, why do I advertise the workshop? So that people will attend. But, why? So that people will learn. But, why? So that people will be informed.

A simplified logic model shows the box for inputs labeled, "Why do we have these resources?" The remaining boxes are each labeled, "But why?" The assumptions box asks, "What assumptions are we making?" The influences box asks, "What may be an influence or be influenced by the sequence of events?"

Answering the “why” questions in detail will help you create your logic model.

Consider alternate pathways and unintended, possible negative consequences.

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