2.1: The importance Outcomes

Because outcomes (or results) are central to the logic model, and the major reason why many are interested in logic models, let’s spend more time understanding them.

Outcomes are the results, or effects, of our work. They are the changes that occur or the differences that are made for individuals, groups, families, households, organizations, or communities during or after the program. Outcomes relate to changes in behavior, norms, decision making, knowledge, attitudes, capacities, motivations, skills, conditions, or other expected results of our programs.

For example, suppose a nutrition education program has nutrition educators providing information and counseling to families in their homes and at meal sites. Outcomes for this program might include participants changing their shopping and eating practices to include fruits and vegetables in their daily diet. In a smoking cessation program, the outcome of interest might be whether participants stop smoking.

Biosecurity on Livestock FarmsRecommended infectious animal disease prevention practices are implemented
Youth Employment CounselingYouth are gainfully employed
Tobacco controlThe number of smoke-free homes increases
Neighborhood policingCrime is reduced
Feeling of safety is increased
Community GardeningFamilies increase vegetables in diet
Community cohesion improves
Leadership EducationLocal units of government improve ability to make and implement effective public policy decisions

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