Home » Enhancing Program Performance with Logic Models » Section 7: Using Logic Models in Evaluation » 7.13: Properties of indicators
7.13: Properties of indicators
Indicators should be all of the following:
- Direct
- Specific
- Useful
- Practical
- Adequate
- Culturally Appropriate
We have provided you with several worksheets and other documents to help you create good indicators for your projects.
The Indicator Criteria document provides further explanation of these terms. You may want to print the document and use it as a resource.
Caution: When you determine your indicators, remember not to confuse your indicators with how you will collect the data. The method you will use to collect information for each indicator–survey, self-report, observation, interview, or some other data collection method–is not the indicator.
The Indicator Review Worksheet can be used to check your own indicators according to the criteria explained in this section.
We’ve also included a worksheet that integrates the evaluation questions and indicators with the logic model, and an example:
Worksheet: Logic model, key evaluation questions, indicators
Example: Logic Model, key evaluation questions, indicators