4.6: Let’s practice! What does your Logic Model look like?

This graphic depicts six different types of logic model drawings to illustrate the idea that logic models can be represented in many different ways.

The first drawing shows a logic model with a vertical flow. At the bottom of the drawing are empty boxes in the shapes used to depict assumptions and external factors. 

The second drawing shows a box divided into three columns labeled "Inputs," "Outputs," and "Outcomes." In the boxes are numbered lists.

The third drawing shows a logic model with a horizontal flow. At the left side is a single box with arrows flowing out of it into two boxes in the next column. Each box connects linearly to the next box in the flow.

The fourth drawing shows a logic model with a circular flow. Some items are represented with boxes and others with circles.

The fifth drawing shows the Food Stamp Nutrition Education Logic Model. It is complex with numerous boxes linked together, but all flowing into a single long-term outcome.

The sixth drawing shows a circle divided into four quadrants.

Look at these graphic displays. Think about:

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